Self-Mastery TRAINING
When you know who you are, you know what to do.
The pathway to Self-Mastery begins with self-reflection.
- What hasn’t been working in your life?
- What needs to change in order for you to be happier?
- Are you having the success you want?

The Focal Point in Self-Mastery is You.
Your mindset, your emotional wellness, your vision, your awareness, your recognition of underperformance, your ability to understand and do what’s needed.
What creates maximum impact and effectiveness? These are the specific action steps that bring about changes and your desired results.
Everything you want in your life requires a commitment, and a willingness to learn what’s missing.
Here’s what makes sustainable changes possible:
My Self-Mastery Clients commit to a minimum of six months. People tend to want to go 150 mph. That’s ok, but it’s not Mastery. What great thing in the history of mankind has been hurried?
The pace of Self-Mastery is deliberate and methodical enough to allow your greatness to be as deeply and fully fulfilled as possible.
Self-Mastery requires immersion.
Tangible, lasting improvements and advances are not instantaneous fixes.
Self Mastery is partly about control. What or Who controls your actions, behaviors, emotions, rituals, routines, daily habits and focal points? What or who controls your level of engagement, and interpersonal interactions, as well as what you do and won’t do?
These are some of the elements that Self Masters actively and consciously control for themselves. They are not controlled by their past programming or societal conditioning. They are not triggered, or distracted by others from their chosen path and purpose.
What role does Wisdom have in your life?
Intelligence is not Wisdom. Being smart does not make a person great. It doesn’t even make a person do what’s in their own best interest. There are plenty of extremely intelligent people who underperform, make enormous mistakes in judgement, and are even self-destructive.
Achieving mastery of yourself is not the goal. Progress is the goal. Elevating, Improving, and Evolving yourself is the result. Only the path of Self-Mastery makes this possible. And only Self-Mastery allows for continuous and sustained progress to be made.

Why would Self-Mastery be important to you?
You now have a choice:
Imagine your life without doing anything more to better yourself.
Now Imagine all the differences having greater wisdom will make in your life.
Your choice determines a very different future. Reach out to talk with me today.
Schedule your Self-Mastery Access Consultation. You’ll get real answers in this confidential phone or Skype conversation.
Reach Out and talk with me
Schedule your Next Level Mastery Consultation today.

Contact us
Jeff Forte CSIC CME
PEAK Results Coaching
2389 Main St. Glastonbury, CT 06033