Making Relationship Struggles a Thing of the Past

What You Are About to Remember… Is that your past behaviors, interactions and reactions to your partner are ruling your relationship today.

For better or worse.

That’s a lot of ingrained, unconscious habits and patterns that you have with each other if you have been together a long time.

If you want to improve your relationship, you must lighten and soften your approach with your partner.

This is a conscious choice that requires some self-awareness on your part. Becoming the new emotion and behavior that you would prefer to experience initiates real transformation.

The only escape from negative interactions is your willingness to change. Of course it would be amazing if they changed too, but this is for you because someone has to go first.

For more immediate relationship support, visit:

Or email for a complimentary conversation that gets right to the source cause of your relationship challenge and how to resolve it.

January 12, 2015
Contact us

Jeff Forte CSIC CME
PEAK Results Coaching
2389 Main St. Glastonbury, CT 06033


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