Your Competitive Edge….Adversity

How is it going to serve you?

Life can shake us to our core from time to time.  It can shatter our confidence about whether we can make it through the ugliness.  Have you been there?  Have you ever been at rock bottom in your life, feeling totally alone and empty?

It can happen in a moment.  Loved ones can be taken from us instantly.  Your money can run out.  Your business can go belly up.  Your child can get sick.  The love of your life can have an affair and leave you.  Horrific, traumatic accidents can happen.  It can feel as if the life has been sucked out of you… if you let it.

Life happens to everyone.  We all go through unbelievably gut wrenching, difficult moments.   In the past, I have wondered if I have had more than my share.   Have you ever asked Why is this happening to me?

Some of us get caught up in the despair.  We become depressed and can’t see our way out of the pain, immersed in self pity.  Our lives can lose meaning.  Have you been there?

These challenges can also be defining moments.  Our adversity can become our  greatest triumph.  The very thing that took you to you knees can be the moment where you find your inner strength, and resolve to step up in your life and live.  Truly live.  To feel totally alive even in the pain because you know it will change and you will survive it.  Every priority in your life can change in an instant, and you can discover the  strength that brings a renewed sense of purpose to pull you forward into a brighter future.

Every aspect of your life can change.  You can recommit to living YOUR life.  You can decide to do all those things you had put off.  You can decide to do something completely different.   You can decide to more beyond whatever happened.  You can use the brutal reality that life brings and redefine who you are, even now.

Adversity shapes us all.  What we decide these challenges mean… determines our destiny. What we decide these moments mean… determines what we will do next.  What we decide… is up to us.  When we change the meaning, we change our life.

Whatever something meant to you before doesn’t have to matter.  Meanings can change now.  You might wake up tomorrow and realize that the bad thing that happened to you actually means something completely different.  Maybe it means a chance for a new beginning.  Maybe it means a chance to grow stronger.  Maybe it means new wisdom to share.  Maybe it means… time to wake up and life YOUR life.

Every adversity that you face and overcome makes a deposit in your bank account of resilience.  Any challenge broken through can build confidence, and strengthen your belief in your ability to handle anything.  Adversity can become your greatest asset.  There is incredible power in knowing that you can handle whatever life throws at you.

Will adversity become your competitive edge?  It can mean toughness, resolve and strength, or it can mean compassion, creativity and love.  It’s up to you.

Who have you become as a result of your challenges?  Who might  you become?

Are you struggling with a challenge?   If you are feeling unhappy or frustrated with some aspect of your life, and want to change it, send an email to  People welcome our experience and we can talk about specific strategies to help you create the life success you want.  How will the greatest  challenges of your life define you?  Will you create a meaning that empowers you, or one that holds you back?




May 17, 2012
Contact us

Jeff Forte CSIC CME
PEAK Results Coaching
2389 Main St. Glastonbury, CT 06033


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