Time For a Breakthrough!
What holds you back from the success that you have always wanted? Have you ever found yourself struggling to break out to higher levels of achievement?
We all make mistakes. In my work with hundreds of business executives who have achieved a wide range of success, I find these 3 mistakes to be the most damaging.
- Lack of Confidence- Even the most successful athlete or business executive experiences moments of time where confidence dips. This is often a result of a struggle in their personal life, or performance below their expectations. The results of this lower confidence can be devastating to the individual because of the pressures to produce results at superior levels. Frequently this stress is self defeating and leads to plateaus of success in a range where they feel safe. They are no longer are able to give their best effort because their confidence can’t afford to take another hit.
- Fear of Failure – Everyone experiences fear at some level; fear of not being enough, fear of change, fear of rejection, fear from the past, fear of success…The fear of failure is another big mistake that limits success. Why would you put your heart and soul into anything if you are afraid of failing? That’s too risky. Many people wait until they have everything perfectly lined up before getting started. They think this reduces their chances of failure. This however, proves to be an illusion because nothing is ever perfect enough, so they never go for it. This fear of failure actually prevents them from getting started. Fear of failure keeps people from giving their best effort, because their is too much at stake. If you give your best effort and fail, this reinforces the belief that you aren’t good enough. If you have made mistake in the past, the fear of repeating them, or failing again, is enough to get you to do very little. There appears to be comfort in not going for it, but it inevitably turns into long term pain.
- Using Bad Strategies- You can be the most confident, fearless person in the world, but if you use lousy strategies, your success is limited. An interesting phenomenon is that I consistently see bad strategies used in interactions between couples, and it pushes them apart, leading to resentment and stress. This stress spills over into business lives and leads to reduced confidence, resulting in an undercurrent of unhappiness. Because there is already stress and pressure in business, this unwelcome addition wreaks havoc on the relationship, and business performance. How often does this extra stress lead to the use of bad business strategies? I see it frequently.
The low confidence, fearful life, using bad strategies is not much fun. If you were to honestly evaluate your performance based on these 3 criteria alone, you might come to some interesting conclusions.
Do you believe in yourself enough? Does fear limit you? Are your strategies effective?
The level of success you want is not going to happen unless you change one of these 3 areas. How do you know what’s possible in your life? Unless you have decided that self imposed limitation is a good thing, there are better answers for you. Connect with me to learn more about the real solutions to your specific situation. Send an email to jeff@peakresultscoaching.com We are either opening up our possibilities, or closing them off. You get to decide which you prefer in your life.