Relationship Recipe For Disaster

“A fool learns from their own mistakes, a wise person learns from the mistakes of others” Based on this quote, I‘ve been pretty foolish in my life.  I’ve made countless mistakes and I’m not done yet….there’s plenty more to come.   Screwing up royally...

A Pleasant Surprise!

A big black bug hit my windshield last night and smashed it in.  It was a truck tire at 60 miles an hour on I95. It came from the darkness up high in the air and my eye picked it up only about 6 feet away coming down on a collision course with me.  My mind...

The Happiness Code 2013

Living a Life of Purpose The year is 2013 and you are looking back on the past 10 years of your life…evaluating…wondering…how did I do? Did I make a difference?  We all want to know that we are here for a reason, and that we matter.  Everyone...

Learn How to Handle Holiday Stress With Ease and Grace

What if it was really that easy? Are you one of the many people who gets overwhelmed and stressed out about Holiday Season?  You’re not alone.  Millions of people experience negative emotions that range from depression and sadness to anxiety and...

Into the Fire…Facing Your Fear

This might be a bit  uncomfortable at first, but you deserve it! We were born to struggle.   We were born to take on challenges and adversity.  We are hard wired that way.  Remember back when you were a baby…no further back…when you were in...

Women…Is it Time to Put Down the Mask?

It might be the answer to your happiness. Do you know who you are?  Really know?  You can imagine for a moment that you are composed of many different personality parts that make up the totality of who you are.  Some of these parts are serving you and...